Sunday, November 10, 2024
I have a few Web sites that I manage, but never consistent in posting content, due to I have multiple and have to juggle between them. I believe the same with my life. I have too many tasks and responsibilities, and juggling them. As the old saying, “Jack of all trades, master of none”.
Starting today, I will begin my minimization journey. Each day I will discard or donate things (both digital and analog)that I am not using. As in life, there are no maybe. In life there are only two things, like binary (1 represents “on” or “true” and 0 represents “off” or “false”), anything else is made up.
Debating if I should forward this site or keep as a seperate site? I think I will forward… When though, hmmm…🤔 Sooon. But when I do, I will tag my post to be the domain name to keep where my thoughts where posted.
Until next time…